


New filters for issues and time entries

Feature update
Added by Felix Schäfer 3 months ago

We have been improving the filter functionalities in Planio by expanding and refining some existing filters as well as adding some whole new ones.

New Issue filters:

  • Notes
  • File description
  • Any searchable text

Issue filter updates:

  • the "related to" filter now supports entering multiple Issue IDs
  • there is a new "contains any of" operator for text fields
  • the "starts with" and "ends with" operators now support entering multiple words
  • the Watcher filter is now also available as a column
  • there are new historical operators "is or was", "was never" and "was" for the filters Tracker, Priority, Assignee, Category and Sprint/Milestone

New Spent time filter:

  • for Spent time, we added a filter (and column) for the associated Issue's Parent issue

An example Issue query showing some filter and operator additions as well as the new Watchers column.

We hope these improvements will make using Planio more productive for everyone and we would love to hear your feedback. If you have any questions regarding those new features or anything Planio related please get in touch.

new_filters_and_columns@2x.png (122 KB) new_filters_and_columns@2x.png Felix Schäfer, 08/12/2024 03:49 PM


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