Feature update Added by Felix Schäfer about 4 years ago
While we're currently more focused on infrastructure and backend work we are still trying to make Planio better and easier for your everyday use.
Many of you already know the issue context menu from the issue query lists and the subtasks and related issues lists (if don't know the issue context menu, go right-click on a row in the issue list to try it out!). We have now extended its availability to the Gantt charts (in the left-hand issue list but also on the issue progress bars of the Gantt chart) and the calendar pages. You can now make small changes to issues in the Gantt chart or calendar pages without leaving those pages, which will enable quicker iteration of your project plans.
We're sure all users of the Planio Gantt charts and Planio calendar will find their experience improved by those changes and would love to hear your feedback. If you have any questions regarding those new features or anything Planio related please get in touch.
Feature Update Added by Jens Krämer over 4 years ago
External Git repositories could be integrated with Planio by means of mirrored repositories and web hooks for a long time already. A recent update now streamlines the process and makes connecting repositories on GitHub and Bitbucket with Planio a matter of just a few clicks.
Here's how it works:
In the project settings' Repositories tab, above your existing repositories, you find two links for connecting Github and Bitbucket repositories. Clicking on either of these links will load a list of potential repositories to connect from the provider.
For each repository there is a Connect to Planio button which will set up the mirrored repository in your Planio project. Any web hooks and deploy keys necessary to keey the repositories in sync will be set up automatically for you.
Please note that the first time you attempt to connect with either Bitbucket or GitHub, you will be prompted to sign in with the provider and / or give Planio permission to access your repositories.
Today, HostedRedmine.com, the first and oldest free Redmine Hosting provider joins Planio.
The good news for all HostedRedmine.com users: All Redmine projects will transition seamlessly to Planio and all existing users get access to Planio features for free.
HostedRedmine.com has moved to the Planio platform. The URL as well as all logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. They have simply been switched to the new user interface and all projects will get access to the new features. Check out the Apps tab!
If you have been using Subversion at HostedRedmine.com¶
Planio comes with free hosted Git and Subversion repositories. You won't need a third party Subversion hosting provider anymore. However, Planio cannot connect to externally hosted SVN repos.
But you can migrate your external SVN repos to Planio! To make this seamless for you, we have built a free SVN importer. The importer lets you migrate your externally hosted Subversion to Planio in one click and keep using it just as before.
The importer is available in the Repository section in your projects.
Feature Update Added by Jens Krämer over 4 years ago
As you might know, Planio comes with a powerful REST API
which covers almost all aspects of Planio. If you were working with the API
before, you know that in order to use it, you had to generate an API key and
use that to make authorized API calls.
This approach, while relatively easy to work with, has a few drawbacks:
Each API key is tied to a single user account, meaning that your application
will always act as this user when interacting with Planio.
There is no way to restrict what an application can do - an API key always
grants it's user the same set of permissions that the user it belongs to has.
OAuth 2 introduces a mechanism to restrict applications to a certain
scope. Further, users need to explicitly grant access to an application
before it may act on their behalf. When doing so, they will be informed about
the scope, that is, what data the application is going to have access to. In
the same way, a user may later decide to revert this decision and revoke access
for an application at any time.
Starting today, Planio now supports OAuth 2. Check out our Guide and the API Documentation to learn more about using Planio's API with OAuth 2.
We have revamped the global project picker to make navigating large numbers of projects easier. The project picker now has an autocomplete field you can use to narrow down on the project you would like to jump to. The project picker still has a scrollable list of results, and heavy keyboard users will be happy to know the new project picker also still supports keyboard navigation.
The new project picker also sports 2 power-user features: recently used and bookmarked projects. Recently used projects will show up at the top of the project picker just below the autocomplete box, this way you will be able to quickly jump to projects you already have been working on recently. Last but not least you can now bookmark projects on the Overview page of a project using the icon in the top right contextual menu. Your bookmarked projects will then appear at the top of the projects listed in your project picker.
We have brought the tabs you already know from projects to global views, making it easier to access for example the global issue or time entry list. Going to the global issue list now doesn't involve selecting the project list from your user menu and clicking the "view all issues" button, you can now directly jump to the global issue list from the Planio start page.
The global tabs also feature the same +-menu than the project tabs which allows you to quickly enter an issue and then select which project it should go to or to quickly access the various import functions of Planio.
This version of Planio also brings lots of smaller improvements, like some new filters in the issues query or refinements to some UI elements.
There are 2 additions to custom fields that we would like to highlight. First is the new File type for custom fields. If there's a type of document that should be attached in a structured way to certain issues, you can now define a File type custom field for those issues! Second is a UI option for Long Text type custom fields, which can now be configured to be displayed as full width, which will improve the experience of entering and reading really long texts in custom fields.
Last but not least is a great improvement to Time Entry Queries some of you have requested: Time Entry Queries can now be saved with mostly the same experience as for saving Issue Queries. This will allow frequent users of Time Entry Queries to save queries they use often and speed up this part of their Planio usage.
We're sure every user will find their Planio experience improved by those changes and would love to hear your feedback. If you have any questions regarding those new features or anything Planio related please get in touch.